October 2020, HRM

We were here for 10 days, arriving on a Thursday and staying through to the following Sunday, October 18th.

We had a good trip and Henry learned all about the Explorers club with Grandpa, had a great time with putting things into Coppers creek and racing them down to the main fork. He also really loved going into the hot tub and watching Moana at least 5 times in the Theater.

We took my Chrysler 200, went into Cherokee, Waynesville, Asheville and unsuccessfully had a fire with Gramma and Grampa.

Henry and I did the ‘zig zag’ trail three times and went up to the Max Patch Hike. It is exactly 12 miles from the house, which does put it at one of the closest things technically to the house but the dirt road makes it a really rough 12 miles and it took at least 45 minutes to get there.

The weather was a bit cooler up there and I was feeling like a bad dad with Henry not having a hoodie for the walk, and felt even worse when we reached the top and other adults were wearing wind breakers (with good reason) however Henry made sure we reached the top despite my attempts to get him to turn around.

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