About Me


I don’t know what this website is.

Around 2012 I bought the domain ‘lindahl.us’ for email purposes and because that’s what all the geeks do, at least so I thought. I considered a custom email domain to be a rite of passage for nerds everywhere so here I am years later doing an about me on a website nobody will ever go to. I figure if I ever need to look for a job potential curious employers might look at lindahl.us and I’d prefer them to see something over nothing, so now I have to make something.

My hobbies are potentially on display on this website as a way to capture a moment in time. I would like to use this as a platform to essentially take snapshots of where the DigiLAN homelab is in this point in time, but we’ll see if I make any amount of updates to it.

During the day, I am a Cyber Security Engineer.